
Last Updated 04/12/2023

Product Features Guide


What is a product feature?

In the realm of product management, a Product Features are synonymous with characteristics and attributes that define a product's unique identity. Our system adopts a proactive approach by allowing you to predefine feature types, mitigating the risks of errors, discrepancies between similar products, and overlooking crucial product information. This meticulous categorization not only ensures accuracy but also serves a multifaceted purpose, acting as a robust safeguard against oversight. By structuring product features in advance, our system enhances efficiency, minimizes data discrepancies, and fosters a streamlined process for capturing essential product details.

  • Product-Centric Feature Management
    • Description: The system organizes features around individual feature types, allowing for detailed and specific attribute assignment.
    • Benefits: Provides a clear and structured way to manage and view product-related information, making it easy to understand and navigate.
  • Public and Internal Features
    • Description: Supports both public features (visible to users) and internal features (not visible publicly) for additional information that may not be relevant to customers.
    • Benefits: Allows for the inclusion of sensitive or internal data, such as logistics-related information, without cluttering the public-facing product details.
  • Your Own Feature Types
    • Description: Create your custom feature types based on specific business needs.
    • Benefits: Offers flexibility to adapt the system to changing business requirements, ensuring it can accommodate a wide range of products and industries.
  • Public Feature Types and Values
    • Description: Features are categorized into types (e.g., Brand, Model), and each type has associated values (e.g., Brand - Samsung, Model - S23).
    • Benefits: Enables standardized data entry, ensuring consistency in product information. Facilitates filtering and searching based on feature types.
  • Internal Feature Types and Values
    • Description: Internal features like could be "Number of Pallets" and "Pallet Capacity" that provide logistics-related details. Others might be types of warranty like 1 year for battery but 2 years for the rest of the device.
    • Benefits: Helps in optimizing warehouse operations, customer service operations among some of the benefits. This can enhance efficiency .
  • Comprehensive Product Descriptions
    • Description: The combination of feature types and values contributes to detailed and informative product descriptions.
    • Benefits: Customers and stakeholders can make informed decisions based on comprehensive product details, improving user experience and reducing inquiries.
  • Scalability
    • Description: The system is designed to scale with the growing complexity of product catalogs and business needs.
    • Benefits: Ensures that the ERP system remains effective as the organization expands, accommodating an increasing number of products and diverse feature requirements.
  • User-Friendly Interface
    • Description: The interface allows users to easily add, edit, and view product features.
    • Benefits: Enhances user efficiency and reduces the learning curve for new users, promoting widespread adoption across different departments.
  • Search and Filtering Capabilities
    • Description: Users can search for products based on specific feature types or values, facilitating quick access to relevant information.
    • Benefits: Improves accessibility and efficiency, especially in scenarios where users need to find specific products or subsets of products based on certain criteria.
  • Audit Trail and Versioning (Coming Soon)
    • Description: The system maintains an audit trail of feature changes and supports versioning.
    • Benefits: Enhances accountability, traceability, and the ability to roll back changes if needed, ensuring data integrity and compliance.

How to add a Feature?

Coming Soon


Coming Soon