
Last Updated 12/11/2023

Product data information table

Here you will find all the elements on which a product depends, along with notes related to them, as there are additional features for some of them.

Object Function Notes
Product Header
Id Unique product identifier It is of type "GUID" (Globally Unique Identifier) and is represented as a 32-character hexadecimal string separated by hyphens, ensuring its uniqueness.
Status The product's status. The available options are: Draft, Published, Unpublished, System Assigned, Test, Triage, and Request Deletion. The use of these statuses is as follows: Draft when the product is in the drafting process and the details are not completed, Published when we want to publish a product, initiating a detailed process you can find here. The Unpublished status is when a product is ready for publication but should not be displayed publicly. Some products may be system-assigned, so they have a System Assigned status that the user cannot change. Test products, usually with the 'Test' status, are used only during the software or website construction pilot process ('Alpha'). The Triage status is applicable when automatically generated products need to be checked and categorized by the user. Finally, in case of an error during product deletion, it can be set to the Request Deletion status, and it will be removed soon.
Type The product type, which has the following options: General, Wholesale, Service, Asset, and Add On Product. Products of a general nature, without any specialization, can be categorized as General. Wholesale products and B2B products can be categorized as Wholesale. Products that represent a form of service and do not have a quantity are characterized as Service. Asset products, which are the fixed assets of a company, are being phased out and will be transferred separately. Add On Product items are those that are automatically added during a specific action (e.g., purchase thank-you card).
SKU Product Code. If not filled out, it is automatically generated by combining the category with random numbers and letters.
Seperator Separator. Separator between the product code and the product variant code.
UPC / EAN The UPC or EAN of the product. Important field for Meta (Facebook) Commerce.
Slang Used for the product's URL link. Mandatory field and must consist only of Latin characters (ASCII), numbers, and hyphens.
Product Details
Product Name Product name. Recommended to be up to 50 characters.
Category Product category. Mandatory field. Categories load when opened.
Internal Name Product name for internal use.
Base Price / Cost Base price or product cost. Must have a value greater than zero.
Product Quantities
Quantity Total quantity of all variants and warehouses. This field is for display only. Modification is not allowed.
Reserved Quantity Total reserved/committed quantity of all variants and warehouses. This field is for display only. Modification is not allowed.
Store Quantity Total available quantity of all variants and warehouses. It is equal to the quantity minus the reserved quantity. This field is for display only. Modification is not allowed.
Minimum Quantity Minimum quantity that the product must have. If the quantity falls below the minimum quantity, you will receive a notification that the product is out of stock. You can leave it as 0 if you want to be notified only when it is completely out of stock.
Product On-Sale
On Sale If the product is on sale. Only works if the pricing system is not used.
Sale Price Sale price. Only works if the pricing system is not used.
Sale Introduced Start date of the sale. Field primarily for use in Meta (Facebook) commerce.
Sale Expiration Expiration date of the sale.
Product Description
Short Description Short product description. Helps optimize SEO. Recommended to be around 120 characters.
Product Description Large and comprehensive product description. Includes a WYSIWYG editor for paragraphs, table titles, bullet points, and more. Helps optimize in SEO. The more detailed the description, the better. Coming soon, an AI assistant to help you further.
Dimensions and Weight
Width Product width (specifically when packaged for shipping). Used for integration with postal services.
Height Product height (specifically when packaged for shipping). Used for integration with postal services.
Depth Product depth (specifically when packaged for shipping). Used for integration with postal services.
Weight Product weight (specifically when packaged for shipping). Used for integration with postal services. Necessary for all postal shipments regardless of the company.
Store Intelligence
Depletion Action Action when the product runs out. Specifically, Remain Intact leaves the product visible but prevents its purchase, Delist removes the product from search results and catalogs but can be visited if the link is known, and Remove completely removes the product, preventing any further access.
Product State Product state. Specifically, Hot Offer is the highest state level, followed by Top Offer, On Sale indicates a discounted state, New is for new products, Regular is the state for regular products, Undersell represents products with reduced sales or demand, Archived is the state for archived products, Unlisted causes the product to no longer appear in results, and Removed prevents access entirely.
Product Points Product points calculated based on visits, additions to carts, and purchases in the previous 30 days and the current period with calculations every 14 days.
Auto Publish Automatically publish the product on the specified date. The product must be in an Unpublished state.
Publish On Date for the automatic publication of the product. The product must be in an Unpublished state.
Publish As New Automatically publish as a new product.
Meta Data
Meta Title Meta title of the product to be included in the header of the page. Used for SEO.
Meta Keywords Meta keywords of the product to be included in the header of the page. Used for SEO.
Meta Description Meta description of the product to be included in the header of the page. Used for SEO.
List On Facebook Merchant Center Include or not in the product list for Meta Commerce on Facebook.
List On Google Merchant Center Include or not in the product list for Google Merchant Center.
Index Send request or not to Google via API to index the page by Google Search Console.
Created Date of product creation.
Last Edited Date of the last product modification.
eTag Random combination of 4 letters and numbers (ASCII) to ensure uniqueness with Slang, the link's (URL) uniqueness.
Reference Code Product reference code
Manufacturer Reference Code Manufacturer's product reference code
EAN Product's EAN (use in case you want to have both EAN and UPC)